Confounded DOE

Confounded DOE

IMG_0060A simple assumption in many experiments is to assume the variable act independently on the response. This means when I change the temperature a little in a polymer dryer silo that time to achieve a certain dryness goes down. And, changing the humidity or airflow rate or pressure either do not change or as they change has no impact of the relationship between temperature and drying time. Continue reading

Statistical Process Control Overview

Basic introduction to key concepts of SPC

Statistical process control (SPC) is not a control chart alone. SPC is a set of tools and a thought process to identify, measure, monitor and improve important elements of product development and production. I’ve seen very good and very bad implementations of SPC. Continue reading

Design of Experiments

Design of Experiments (DoE) and the Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) techniques are economical and powerful methods for determining the statistically significant effects and interactions in multivariable situations. DoE may be utilized for optimizing product designs, as well as for addressing quality and reliability deficiencies. Within the DoE framework, the practitioner may explore the effects of a single variable or analyze multiple variables. Continue reading